STOP!! You need Silence!

alonewithgod listening silence Mar 10, 2020

STOP!! You need silence! It is essential for your mind, spirit, ministry, and your relationship with God.

How often do we push on because people need us, there are too many meetings, demands, expectations and our days seem never ending until we fall into bed only to get up the next morning and do it all over again?

That may seem like a productive way to use our days, but in reality, not only does our productivity plunge with a schedule like that, but we are essentially telling God that we've got this ministry thing ourselves.  We can handle it.  We have the answers.

The only way to be truly effective is to set time aside.  Time for silence.  Time to listen.  Time to hear the voice of our God calling to us.  Time to worship.  Time to admit we don't have the answers and we are simply servants of the most High God.

If you don't regularly have times like this in your schedule, time to start.  In fact, as soon as I finish writing this, I am going to walk and talk with the Savior.


Dr. Vance

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