Meet My Hosts and Hear a Great Story!

Mar 02, 2020

It isn't often that I get to introduce my hosts, but I'd like you to meet Pastor Jay, his wife and children.  For security reasons, I am not giving their full names.  But when I last went to India, this family, whom I had never met, treated me like a king. 

They gave me a room in their apartment, fed me, set up a series of meetings that were so well organized, all I had to do was show up and everything was done.  Pastor Jay drove me hundreds of miles, translated all my seminars and made sure that when we were on the road we had a comfortable place to stay.  

For the last seminar, his wife and children took a many hour train ride to join us.  His son shot video and his wife helped translate.  They were truly a blessing.

They have set the example for how to treat a brother from another country and I look forward to working with them in the future as we all pray for the blessing of pastors, churches and the nation of India.

Thank you Pastor Jay, and may God bless you, your wonderful wife and your incredible kids.

In His Service,

Dr. Vance

P.S. You will have to listen to the video to hear the incredible story!

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